Animals in Danger of Extinction
How to avoid the extinction of Animals?
miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012
Preventing species extinction?
It is very difficult to fight against unnatural factors causing the extinction of animal species, hunting or prevent the devastation of forests and wilderness areas is difficult but not impossible, for any cause whatsoever due to acts of man can be controlled .
The problem can not be solved is when an endangered species is suffering from the consequences of natural disasters or predation, so there are many organizations that are in charge of rescuing the last specimens of endangered animals and keep them in captivity, in habitats to preserve their species.
But there are cases where these endangered animals are very difficult to get them used to live in captivity despite having all the ideal conditions for breeding and this comes to complicate this task.
But despite all these problems, environmentalists do not lower their arms and each year they invent new techniques and strategies to ensure that endangered animals can interact with each other and achieve captive breeding.
Our contribution is to work split not continue destroying ecosystems, the main cause of extinction of animals.
How to avoid the extinction of Animals?
- Prevent indiscriminate deforestation of forests, to protect habitat
- Avoid environmental pollution (air, soil, water)
- Avoid traffic and illegal marketing of animals and plants in danger of extinction.
- Protect the endangered species in nature reserves.
- Encourage the use of artificial insemination techniques in endangered animals to increase the number of individuals.
- Raise public awareness about when it comes to environmental contamination and improper purchase of endangered animals and / or pets.
- Avoid sport hunting in closed season
- Avoid the use and modification of natural habitats of the species
- Birth control, to avoid the need to extend the cities.
- Reduction of pollutants in air, soil and water.
- Reduced logging.
- Regulate hunting seriously.
- Increased penalties for trafficking offenses animals.
- Control of pets, then throw into the street and played with singular joy and not many chances for a decent quality of life.
- Invest more funding for breeding endangered animals.
- Caring hard ecological reserves and expand their numbers.
- Use natural resources in a truly rational and avoid overexploitation (can modify the natural habitat)
- Primary treatment (at least) to the wastewater that is discharged to the rivers, whether artificial or natural.
- Regular seriously permits for logging and seek to exploit these resources to reforest with endemic beings, ie what you get removed.
- Have respect for animals and plants around us.
- Understand that if animals are displaced from their habitat tend to adapt to urban areas or failing to be in a more restricted area where the food begins to run out and there will be more attacks on humans by the search for food.
- Speak out strongly against the killing of animals (such as seals of Alaska) by the silly pretext that as are many fishing has declined, when the human being is what is destroying resources. Same with whales and other animals.
- No exotic foods, where dishes are endangered animals failing or killed in an extremely cruel and painful.
10 animals in danger of extinction
This is the list of animals most at risk to disappear because of climate change
The World Wide Fund for Nature Protection WWF published a list of the 10 animals most at risk of extinction as a result of climate change.

Bengal tiger
These tigers live in the mangroves located between Bangladesh and India. Each year the growth of sea level is 4 millimeters, is expected by 2060 the habitat of these animals will be destroyed and disappear because 70% of Bengal Tigers. Moreover, indiscriminate marketing of this species in countries like China is another important factor in the extinction of these animals.

The corals
Man has used coral for decoration and jewelry since 5000 years ago. Fishing and tourism have damaged much of the coral reef. Despite restoration programs and conservation of coral, is forecast that within a few decades will be gone for 80% of the ocean coral.

Kangaroos live only in Australia. The increase of temperature and drought from lack of rain are the consequences of climate change that face this country. The kangaroos and other species of the family are at great risk of extinction, high temperatures create fires that kill most of the wild species.

The whale
Whales are continuing threat either by blows that ship or receive traffic and marketing. In addition, as a result of climate change migration routes of whales are affected by changes in ocean temperature. This makes some lost at sea or traveling through unfamiliar areas.
The melting in Antarctica also be the cause of extinction of penguins, some scientists in 2100. Sea ice is essential to the life of the emperor penguin, in protecting their young, is the source of their food and the place where feather molt.
The pollution of the seas and the tourist and urban development on beaches where turtles nest are some causes that anticipate the extinction of this species. In addition, climate change causes natural disasters like the tides that destroy the habitat of this animal.

There are very few orangutans in Indonesia and Malaysia. This is the monkey with greater risk of extinction in the world because of deforestation, agriculture and forest fires that devastate their habitat completely.
The reasons for the disappearance of the elephant are also deforestation and agriculture completely destroying their ecosystems and their food sources.
The World Wide Fund for Nature Protection WWF published a list of the 10 animals most at risk of extinction as a result of climate change.
Polar Bear
Every year is the largest percentage reduction in the Arctic
ice, polar bear habitat. If you continue to melt the ice caps polar bears will
disappear within 75 years. Some scientists predict that by the summer of 2013
in the Arctic will have melted and most of the ice sheets.Bengal tiger
These tigers live in the mangroves located between Bangladesh and India. Each year the growth of sea level is 4 millimeters, is expected by 2060 the habitat of these animals will be destroyed and disappear because 70% of Bengal Tigers. Moreover, indiscriminate marketing of this species in countries like China is another important factor in the extinction of these animals.
The corals
Man has used coral for decoration and jewelry since 5000 years ago. Fishing and tourism have damaged much of the coral reef. Despite restoration programs and conservation of coral, is forecast that within a few decades will be gone for 80% of the ocean coral.
Kangaroos live only in Australia. The increase of temperature and drought from lack of rain are the consequences of climate change that face this country. The kangaroos and other species of the family are at great risk of extinction, high temperatures create fires that kill most of the wild species.
The whale
Whales are continuing threat either by blows that ship or receive traffic and marketing. In addition, as a result of climate change migration routes of whales are affected by changes in ocean temperature. This makes some lost at sea or traveling through unfamiliar areas.

The melting in Antarctica also be the cause of extinction of penguins, some scientists in 2100. Sea ice is essential to the life of the emperor penguin, in protecting their young, is the source of their food and the place where feather molt.
The pollution of the seas and the tourist and urban development on beaches where turtles nest are some causes that anticipate the extinction of this species. In addition, climate change causes natural disasters like the tides that destroy the habitat of this animal.
This beautiful bird is strongly affected by the pollution of the seas and sea fishing, because their legs are entangled with the hooks, so die each year about 100,000 birds
"Red Books" list of endangered animals
The red book had its beginnings to the mid-sixties to draw attention to the species that are endangered .. Since then the criteria to define whether a species is threatened have gone through a process of progressive refinement to reach those in effect since the mid-nineties. In its modern form the red books assess the degree of threat of extinction found in different species and proposed conservation measures. The establishment of new criteria and categories by IUCN in 2001 with a quantitative emphasis to reduce the degree of subjectivity in the classification of species has been a very important tool for a new generation of red books worldwide. These criteria made clear need to update the information to the wildlife that was listed as threatened in país.Las lists presented are preliminary, produced in 1998 and since then under review for more than a hundred researchers linked making process of the red books. The categorization was based on the methodology proposed by IUCN 1994, however applied to national knowledge ignoring the global. The Humboldt Institute would like to acknowledge the work done by the authors of the lists, as these have become the basis of the work of the red books.
The Extinction
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